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Rosanne Bostonian
Dec 19, 2019
I grew up in a family that endured the #ArmenianGenocide. It was another in a recurring story of brutality that repeats itself too often....

Rosanne Bostonian
Dec 12, 2019
Forgiving Ourselves
I’ve found that the hardest thing in my life is self-forgiveness. That’s probably an “ego thing,” the belief that I was and am supposed...

Rosanne Bostonian
Dec 2, 2019
As we take the old calendars down and put the 2019 planners away, the idea that it’s “20/20” has me hoping that it’s more than a number...

Rosanne Bostonian
Nov 7, 2019
Nature whispers wisdoms we often miss in our mad rush to get to the “next thing.” Take tsunamis for example… Tsunamis are huge waves...

Rosanne Bostonian
Oct 22, 2019
There are two places where we can find motivation; one place is to avoid pain. This works, but the problem is that we get locked into...

Rosanne Bostonian
Oct 9, 2019
Global Warming
Who convinced us that we’re the superior species? And who said subjective thinking was all that and a bag of chips!? The Buddhists say...

Rosanne Bostonian
Sep 27, 2019
Change of Seasons
We humans are tied to our senses, so the subtleties of shifting energy sometimes escape us. We’re in the process of the seasons...

Rosanne Bostonian
Sep 12, 2019
Update on Parking Lot Refuse
In the past I’ve treated you to my disbelief over what people leave in the parking lots of various establishments. I’ve noted those...

Rosanne Bostonian
Aug 31, 2019
93 Million Miles!
When I was on break in Florida, I did the obligatory sunbathing despite warnings that the Sun ages your skin. The truth is, time ages...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jul 19, 2019
Boris Johnson
Many of us regard current American politics as a dumpster fire. I’m not sure if our friends in the UK have been watching because in the...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jul 10, 2019
Another Why
The “why list” is growing. Why is bird poop two-toned (in a back blog)? Why are there Q-Tips and plastic dental floss thingies in...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jul 2, 2019
Ants in the Mailbox
I’m not a Buddhist, but maybe there’s something in my DNA that is? Much to my dismay, about a month ago, I got my mail out of the mailbox...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jun 17, 2019
The Light Green Crayon
When I was little, Spring meant I’d color with the light green crayon from the Crayola box. The darker green was reserved for Summer...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jun 4, 2019
The Southern Border
What would it take for you to walk a thousand miles? There would have to be a damned good reason for me to put on my dancing shoes and...

Rosanne Bostonian
May 21, 2019
What’s True?
Is the truth a “thing,” or is it a matter of our own interpretation? If there was ever a source of disagreement (and being disagreeable)...

Rosanne Bostonian
May 2, 2019
We all look forward to vacations. I find that detaching myself from the web of obligations and daily routines is a fight to the finish! ...

Rosanne Bostonian
Mar 29, 2019
Living on Concrete
Last week I gave into vanity and wore boots with heels to teach my class. I was on my feet for 2 hours and 45 minutes. The floor gave...

Rosanne Bostonian
Mar 18, 2019
Tax Season
Woe unto us in New Jersey as our deductions seem to have evaporated! I’ve been procrastinating confronting the bottom line, but I’ll...

Rosanne Bostonian
Feb 18, 2019
I slow down for some TV shows with the same curiosity as folks slow down to witness an accident. “Paternity Court” is one of the shows...

Rosanne Bostonian
Feb 4, 2019
When Fear Goes Away…
Fear is the legacy of primitive human survival. Our brains are wired to fear first and we are wise to heed the still, quiet voice that...
Rosanne Bostonian's Blogs
Rosanne posts her teachings and observations in this part of Essential Spirit. Enjoy her wisdom and learn from her years of study and practice. We encourage you to engage and share the pearls of wisdom found here. Let this be a space where you find not only information but also a source of inspiration, a platform for discussion, and a virtual sanctuary for your mind and soul.
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